Historic Vault
Discover the rich heritage of Mare Island through our Historic Vault, an ever-growing digital archive designed to bring our unique history to your fingertips. Here, you can explore a wide range of resources that capture the essence of Mare Island’s past, from personal letters and daily logs to impactful photos and oral histories. Our collection continues to expand, so be sure to check back often for new additions.
Click a section below to see more!
Welcome to the Foundation’s online Historical Vault! Here we endeavor to bring key part of our collection online for your research and enjoyment. Note that much more extensive research opportunities are available by contacting or visiting our library. And we always membership is the way to supports these efforts!
Speaker Series and Oral Histories on YouTube
An ever-growing series short, enlightening, and entertaining articles on various history aspects Mare Island, hosted on Tumblr, searchable by keyword, with photos.
The Mare Island Historic Blog on Tumblr
An ever-growing series short, enlightening, and entertaining articles on various history aspects Mare Island, hosted on Tumblr, searchable by keyword, with photos.
Behind paywall online, or free trial (but free from the terminal at our library!)
• Vallejo Times Heralds: A searchable databse of Vallejo’s newspapers going back to 1860.
• Mare Island Grapevines (IN PROGRESS): A searchable database of the Island’s weekly newspaper beginning in 1941.
Digital Reel: Searchable database of Mare Island Digitized Records
• Farragut's Letters: The original, hand-written letters of David Farragut from 1954-1856 as he endeavored to open the Island.
• Shipyard Logs: The daily shipyard logs of Mare Island, organized by year. Early years are hand-written, later years typed/searchable.
• Chapel Logs: The handwritten parish logbooks of St. Peters Chapel, including marriages, baptisms, deaths, and other Chapel activities.
• The Mare Island Cemetery: An excellent interactive timeline and overview of the historic cemetery on the Island.
The Mare Island Cemetery
An excellent interactive timeline and overview of the historic cemetery on the Island.
• Photographs (COMING IN FUTURE): An indexed collection 1000’s of incredible photographs from the Shipyard.
• Artifact Collection (COMING IN FUTURE): A searchable archive of all the Foundation’s artifact collection.
• Online Exhibits (COMING IN FUTURE): Walk through a curated story from our collection online!
Help us Preserve the Rich History of Mare Island
We honor the island and the integral role it played in defining American History as we know it. Please consider becoming a sustaining member to support our ongoing operation, but you can also see (and contribute to) the specific projects we are currently working on that need your support!
Contact Us
Questions or comments? Reach out to us and we'll respond promptly!
Visit St. Peter's Chapel: 1181 Walnut Ave, Vallejo, CA 94592
Visit Admirals Mansion: 1065 Walnut Ave, Vallejo, CA 94592
Visit Library: 1175 Nimitz, Suite 170, Vallejo, CA 94592