About the Foundation
The Mare Island Historic Park Foundation is a non-profit organization with the stated mission:
To collect, preserve, and interpret the history of Mare Island and to present exhibits and programs that explore, educate, and celebrate the diverse military and cultural aspects of the Island.

Our Foundational Tenets
Upon its founding in 1854, Mare Island became an integral keystone in American history. Our Foundation, started in 1996 upon the closure of the Shipyard, is comprised of Mare Island and Navy veterans, history enthusiasts, local business owners, caretakers, and philanthropists who believe in the power of historical conservation and the impact it has on future generations.
Our Landmarks
The Foundation maintains and manages two national historical landmarks: St. Peter’s Chapel and the Admiral’s Mansion. In 2019, the Foundation oversaw the restoration and installation of the USS Vallejo Submarine Sail Memorial on Mare Island’s historic core. Ongoing, the Foundation supports numerous efforts to document and maintain the historical sites throughout the Island.
Our Collection
In addition to an extensive reference library including comprehensive records of the island and over 10,000 photos, the Foundation stewards the largest collection of Navy artifacts outside of Navy Hands. The Foundation operated a popular museum that was closed in 2020 due to accessibility and structural issues; the Foundation is currently in the process of a site search and designing an exciting reimagining of the museum.
The Experience
The Foundation provides tours of Mare Island and its landmarks for private groups, schools, bus tours, and the likes. We host events that explore the rich history of Mare Island. We are also actively working to bring our extensive collection online in a digital format for the public. Become a member to fully experience what the Foundation has to offer.
Board of Directors
The professionals and caretakers of the Island’s history.
Founder: Mare Island Brewing Co and Road 31 Wine Co. Director: Vallejo Chamber of Commerce and Vallejo Waterfront Weekend. Mare Island resident since 2006.
US Army veteran. Retired 30-year Environmental Engineer; Shell Oil. Consultant. Past Trustee Vallejo School Board. Mare Island Resident, Base Restoration Advisory Board Member, and Mosquito Abatement Trustee.
Former (36 year) Mare Island nuclear engineer. Former President and former Chairman of Board of Trustees for Navy Yard Association (28 years).
Sr. Accountant, Atlas Vineyard Management in Napa. Former tax preparer and bank manager. Benicia Library volunteer.
Principal Engineer: Environmental Remediation Resources, Inc. Former (22 year) Mare Island manager. Past president of Navy Yard Association. Trustee for ERISA employee benefit plan.
US Navy veteran. Retired Visit Vallejo and Solano County Film Office. Former Director and President: Vallejo Naval & Historical Museum.
US Navy veteran, USS Haleakala, 2 years. AP writer/editor, 39 years. Vallejo history writer (2 books, 140+ Times-Herald columns). Vallejo Architectural Heritage and Landmarks Commissioner. Former Director: Vallejo Naval & Historical Museum.
Former Dir. of Education at Miami Art Museum, The Walters Art Museum (MD), and Norton Art Museum (FL). Retired Marketing Dir. for start-up tech companies. Island Resident since 2012.
Master Chief Petty Officer, US Navy, retired (30 yrs). Vice President of the Santa Clara Valley Council of the Navy League. Former Chair of Membership, Moffett Field Museum Board of Directors.
Small business owner and chef for the past 15 years. Background in accounting and finance management. Mare Island resident since 2023.
Retired Federal Emergency Manager / First Responder; Owner - Homes for You, LLC; Former Ladies of Harley President; proud mother of two veterans.
Business owner and consultant (30 years). Former CPA, Moss Adams, LLP. Mare Island resident since 2005.
10+ years in people strategy and recruiting: with a decade prior experience in international public service and Bay Area non-profit social media strategy. Mare Island resident since 2021
Retired, Solano Superior Court. Former Trustee and Secretary, Vallejo Community Arts Foundation (now Vallejo Center for the Arts) and Empress Management Group. Designer, artisan and volunteer teacher, VCA Summer Art Camp.
Retired (20 years) Commander, US Navy Chaplain Corps. Mare Island Chaplain 1973-1977. Credited with saving St. Peter’s Chapel from demolition.
Our Commitment to Inclusivity and Safety
At the Mare Island Historic Park Foundation, we are dedicated to fostering an environment that is inclusive, respectful, and safe for all. Our values reflect a strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and we uphold stringent policies to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone involved.
Help us Preserve the Rich History of Mare Island
We honor the island and the integral role it played in defining American History as we know it. Please consider becoming a sustaining member to support our ongoing operation, but you can also see (and contribute to) the specific projects we are currently working on that need your support!
Contact Us
Questions or comments? Reach out to us and we'll respond promptly!
Visit St. Peter's Chapel: 1181 Walnut Ave, Vallejo, CA 94592
Visit Admirals Mansion: 1065 Walnut Ave, Vallejo, CA 94592
Visit Library: 1175 Nimitz, Suite 170, Vallejo, CA 94592